About me

Me in front of the ALICE detector @ CERN

Hi all,

I am Simon Dannhauer, currently a PhD student at the University of Cologne (IMPRS for Astronomy and Astrophysics), working with Dr. Robert Simon and Prof. Dr. Dominik Riechers on star formation and stellar feedback in the Milky Way. I am a member of the DFG-funded collaborative research center SFB 1601. I wrote my master thesis titled “Radio AGN fraction in the first eROSITA all-sky survey” in the “Dark Energy Team” called working group of Prof. Dr. Reiprich at the Argelander Institute for Astronomy at the University Bonn. In the same group I did my bachelor thesis about “Correction of space weather-related effects on eROSITA data”. You can find my academic CV here.

And most of all: I really like astrophotography.

I developed an early interest in physics and spent a fair amount of my school years building hybrid rocket engines, model airplanes and drones. After my Abitur in 2015 I began studying Physics/Astronomy in Bonn. My love for astronomy and photography came from my uncle (the name patron for the astrophotography observatory) who taught me a lot and whose huge collection of telescopes and gear led to it’s construction.

Shortly before takeoff for a scenic sunset flight in a LS4 glider.

My freetime (if there is any left…) is mostly occupied by my second love, aviation. I hold licences for gliders and ultralights and try to spent most of my time on the airfield. Many of the great pictures taken on my favourite place in the world, Segelfluggelände Lindlar, are found here. Furthermore I am a member of the Planetary Society, German Physical Society (DPG) and Vereinigung der Sternfreunde (VdS).

Thats it for now, enjoy these pages and if you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Clear skies,


“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” 

Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan